
“Dacha in the Carpathians”

Together with Vostok SOS

Evacuated from the combat zone during the war with Russia, disabled, elderly citizens of Ukraine with limited mobility, after a long stay in difficult conditions, often hiding from shelling in basements, with a lack of food and medical care, need medical examination and treatment after evacuation. After the stabilization of their condition, the resettlement of families and groups of people, including a person with disabilities, was organized in a medical institution (before the war, they were not in a medical institution, family members will take care of their own). After registration in the Central National Health Service and the pension fund, these displaced persons, during their stay in a medical institution, are transported in groups or they move independently to rural houses or buildings with several that are not inhabited at the moment, in agreement with the heads of communities and village elders. After re-registration at the new place of residence, communal services for immigrants are paid for at the state's expense. At the time of moving, the house is equipped with a refrigerator, an electric stove, a summer shower or a conventional shower, a bio-toilet and a ramp to facilitate movement.